Friday, May 25, 2012

What's Next?

Deep Thoughts, with Chad Clark

As we mourn the loss of our general, we are all left with the same question... Whats next? I have been thinking about this since I heard the news of his passing, and while there will never be another energy, light, force, and human like Vidal, we can't believe that this is the "end" of the craftsman. I hear leaders say that the next "Leader of the Industry" will be a Justin Bieber type, all personality and show, because the future of our industry is feared to be left in hands of the "NOW NOW NOW" generation. I must respectfully disagree. At this point, we are NOT going to change the game inside of what he built. the laws and fundamental of our technical craft have been discovered, and will continue to be the core foundation of how we approach the craft for decades to come. (IDK about you, but Im NOT cutting hair w Fire, hahaha) but I digress, because we can't change the game in that regard, the next revolution is going to be inspired by the idea that we CAN make the tread on the tire better, stronger and more efficient. We can make it last longer on the road, handle better, and get us from point A to B faster. But this is only the surface. Over my years in the industry, I have observed the leading brands, stage artists, mentors, leaders, call them what you wish. And the one thing I feel they all have in common is that THEY are successful. THEY build and focus on their name, with an army of drones that blindly believe that if they do what they are told they MIGHT be able to one day stand at the tool bar on the show room floor and watch the leaders on stage, while they sell the goods the companies brand package and sale. I did it myself for many years. But I believe the revolution will come from a place of Individual celebration of the artist themselves. Oliver and I built OC not to showcase ourselves, but to bring together the gleams of light left in the industry that are self motivated, savvy in business, hungry to grow, share and learn, AND master their technical abilities and service skills as well. Again, not a new idea, HOWEVER, the success of OC comes from the independent stars we bring in, build up, and give a platform to that once was only available from the P & G, Paul MItchells, Toni & Guys etc, the conglomerates w the money. We build these people up not to be the best for OC, but the best for themselves. This selfless, nurturing, and guiding approach is something that I feel is forgotten. Its not about the big name on the podium guys, its about YOUR name. Vidal, Paul, Anthony Mascolo, Robert Lobetta, Robert Cromeans, I could go on and on, they didn't build their empires by blindly following the flock, but by forging their own ways based on their undying ability to never compromise, lead from the heart AND the mind, and do it with love. Call me crazy, but I fell like this is where we will see the next movement in the industry come from. The Independent Artist, that was been trained to be a self made machine, so when they step on a stage w OC, or by themselves, the strength in their message comes from their own journey. Not from a cue card. Not from someone else's beliefs. But celebrating the artistry of the individual, making the people around us amazing, and allowing these amazing stars to use our platform we've built TOGETHER to change how we share information, the way we are perceived by outsiders of the industry, and the unity we will bring to the game. I know this is a long one, but it's been very heavy on my mind since Vidal left this place to move onto the next. We will make him proud, we will show him its not a forgotten cause, and that Rome can be rebuilt. Takes one man to lay the first brick. I think we can build it together. for ANYONE that took the time to read this rant, thank you. I respect admire and love the pioneers that have brought us to where we are now, but I firmly believe that we still have something to offer this industry that comes from passion, love, and lifting others up around us, not just following the flock, breaking their wallets to receive the information, and helping them attain the individual success WHILE being behind a team, not ONLY being on a team. BE your own entity. And see where it takes you. Your influence is stronger that you think, you just have to leap. Big Love, and much respect to ALL OF MY PEERS. c

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

If you Blink, you might miss it...

It passes so quick. It's the one thing that power, fame, and fortune can't give you back. So much of it is wasted. Wasted on being scared. But if I can share anything with anyone, it's that you must seize your moments, you mustn't miss a chance, and you gotta always remember that at the end of the day, what do you have to lose? Wasted time is opportunity lost. big love, c.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


One of the most basic of all human needs in the universe. It relates every single one of us to eachother in some form. It is a need that is ingrained deeply in each one of us in our own way, and as human beings on this planet, we all have the need for validation. That someone hears us. That the ears are not deaf and our words bring change and motion. That someone relate to us. To help us see that we are not alone on this ride. That someone feels us. That they have been there too, and empathize with our world. That someone cares for us. On any level, to be needed and looked after by someone else. These all tie in to the need to be validated. There is nothing wrong with needing to feel something from your fellow human being, as we were not born alone onto this planet, so seeking that connection is only natural to the life process. When you validate someone else's world, you can give them confidence, you can give them strength. You can give them pride, you can give them hope. It is a gift that we sometimes over look in life. The ability to validate another human being. The impact can be so huge, and the effort is so minimal. Taking a moment to really listen to someone. Taking the time to really connect and relate with someone. Really making them feel that you are present in that moment with them, and understand their world. Think about it for a moment...

Now how can we tie this information into our business?

One word. Consultation.

That's right. This opportunity here is not only to tell our guests what we think their hair should look like, but it's our opportunity to develop the connection with the guest that supercedes the technical work we do behind the chair in really maintaing a guest, which is develop a relationship based on trust, communication, and honesty. This opportunity is it's strongest during the consultation. I work with a very talented stylist named Sascha Gast in Santa Monica. And I love watching his consultations. He spins the chair around, its lowered to the ground, and he takes a knee, sometimes two, and eye to eye, listens to them. He is sincere, genuine, and there in that moment. He continues on in this manner until the service begins and they guest is whisked away by his beautiful assistant Ashley. And I see his guests smile. I hear their praises while Ashley Shampoos. And I also see the freedom that his hard work is affording him. He is the machine.

But I digress, my point is, the consultation is the opportunity to connect. So when you find yourself wondering how you can increase your referrals, re-bookings, and retention rate, get back to the foundation of how you work behind the chair, and begin to think about the how's and why's of what we do, besides the technical stuff. Its about the relationships, the connection, the moment. If we want to be viewed as professionals not only must we understand the technical craft of what we do, but the business, psychological, social, and emotional side of it too. To truely be a Game Changer, you must be on your Game.

Thank you for taking the time to read. Please leave your thoughts. big love,


Saturday, April 2, 2011

Game Changing

"They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." ~ Andy Warhol

I was asked a question by one of my peers lately, that really made me start to think. It was a great question.

He said,

" What are you going to bring to the game that's different?"

This really has been resonating with me for days. After some careful thought, I think I have somewhat of an answer, and where better to share than here with all of you. The audience I love. I feel, and have for years, that there is a huge disconnection from the ones who inspire us and claim to be our coaches and leaders, and the people that brought them there. YOU and me, the hairstylist. I have seen a growing trend of unaccessibility inside the industry. I hear the excuse of being "too busy" or not being "tech savvy" and so on. You can not reach them by email, twitter, facebook, hairbrained, etc etc. Just pictures and calendars, promotions and products. Usuallly ran by a ghost writer, not the individual themself.

So one thing that I have decided I have and will bring to the game that is different is accesibility. I have been training myself over the past couple years, on how to multi task the day to day actions of life, while still remaining connected to my audience. It does take practice, dedication, and discipline. It is easy to let it overwhelm you. But like anything else we do in life, practice makes perfect. There are 24 usable hours in every day, and with todays digital and technological age, we can send text messages, complete with pictures and questions (haircolor, haircut, etc.) that can be answered in less than 3 minutes if you are quick, haha. But my point is, for every extra minute I give to someone here on Facebook asking for career direction, to a IM chat asking about what tools I prefer or which cosmetology school they should look into, to the text messages and twitter mentions asking for formulation assistance, or just sharing a finished look that they learned from one of our videos, is returned to me 10 fold, because as we share, I learn from you all as well, making me better for you. The interconnectivity, availability, and accesibility, to me, is ONE of the elements I hope to bring to the table that will change the game.

I am not only here to educate to the masses. Im here to educate you, the hairstylist. Im glad I can be real, tangible, and here for YOU the hairstylist. And that philosophy will continue to the website, our in salon classes, and the over all message we are trying to create. As I come up with more answers to this question I will be sure to share. but this is a good start. big love guys and gals.

Remember, YOU are the Network


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The New Age of Education

"Where do you think hair, as an industry, is headed?'

I hear this question most frequently these days. Whether it be from a cosmetology student, stepping out of school to begin their journey, or seasoned professionals behind the chair for years, this seems to be at the fore front of everyones mind. And how could it not be? We are a evolving species of artists, honing a craft that we create with our hands and our minds, and providing a esthetic beauty to the world that everyone can appreciate and celebrate. So how could we not be constantly striving to find out the next big move in hair.

My response to this question has changed over the years of my experience in this industry, but I have noticed a sway in my thoughts, that have been more consistent as I disect the question on different planes. At this point, I will break it down the easiest way I know how. Honesty and relateability.

We are at a place in our technical craft that everything has been done. Its been re-spun, re-packaged, re-coined in phrases and terminology, and re-delivered in many different directions. But when you really observe the technical side of things, it's all been done. Whether it is texture or precision, razors or shears. It has all been introduced, experimented with, and presented.

As I always say, " We are not going to re-invent the wheel at this stage in the game, but what we are changing is the inter-connectivity that can reach the masses on a wider scale than ever imagined before."

This is the "game changer". The internet, todays SmartPhones, Facebook, Twitter,, all these resources are opening doors for stylists, educators, students, and artists to be able to share ideas, concepts, and what works for them in their worlds. Thanks to YouTube, we can now watch a haircut filmed in California in Japan, or Romania. We can converse via email and text messaging about dynamics, about marketability, about relatability to our specific demographics in our own worlds. All thanks to the internet.

Rogue, pirates, welding shears in their hands, and beautiful models in their chairs, can now, broadcast to an audience only available before through a corporate, brand name channel, is now washing away into a sea of information, that we can watch, download, and share, all at the click of a button. Information is only valuable once you share it with someone else that can apply it to their own world, and find success with it behind the chair.

I hear the criticism of the "free information" that is now flowing across the web, and I see the fear in the eyes of the very people that have tried to preserve this archaic way of information ownership, but the bottom line is, we will always be able to establish a value, and ultimately, a price tag for the information we are sharing. But the difference will be in accessability. I have no intention of creating something that everyone will want, but no one can afford. The success will be in the masses, not the price tag attached to it. Now I am an entrepreneur, so if you think for one moment, I am missing this "profit" piece of the puzzle, you are sadly mistaken and missing the big piece of this puzzle. If you see it, then you are excited, hopeful, and can believe that there is something out there for you that will be affordable, translateable, and relateable for you, the professional, the student, the style enthusiast.

So I say to you know, embrace the wave of change, as it is inevitable. Read between the lines, and discover that there is more for you to build your career on now more than ever. Continue to grow, continue to learn, and most importantly, continue to Share. The next big move in hair will be just what Andy Warhol had said it would be. " Everyone in the world will be famous for 15 minutes." What are you going to do with your 15 minutes? I am going to make as much noise as I can, so after I am gone, this movement will continue to grow stronger and bigger than I could ever be. It's about the hairstylist, the information, and the Process. The Process. Big Love, Chad

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Been a while since my last blog..

Wow.. I cant believe how much time has passed since I last sat down at the keyboard and just, well, write. So much to talk about. So many feelings to express, thoughts to convey, ideas to share, and just get this side of me going again. It has been too long. This is just an official, I'M BACK!!!! Hahaha. Stay tuned, will be adding new blog posts about my past few months, things I have learned along the way, and some observations I have made. Look forward to sharing again. As I always say,,, Stay Tuned!!!! Big Love, Chad

Saturday, January 9, 2010

A message to Educators, professionals, and professionals to be....

We have stood on stages, in salons, and in schools. We have spoken through our own voices and through microphones. We have addressed 10 people and 3,000 people. But all this amounts to absolutely nothing if you loose touch with yourself, your audience, and what this industry is about. The people we connect with, change their lives, and make a difference for. Not by the name on our shampoo bottle, or the guy who asked you on stage. They are just facilitators, we are the creators. To each one of my friends that has assisted me in my journey, thank you, and know no matter how big I take this, I am always here for YOU, the hairdresser. Thats what sets us apart, guys. THAT kind of commitment. To others, ourselves, and to our industry that we love so much!